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This function must call the Proc procedure with all "box" points needed �for this checking. The Full parameter specifies a full (Full=True) or �reduced (Full=False) checking. (Reduced checking is allowed when the local coordinates are transformed to global without any rotation).By default, TsgDXFEntity.GetBoxPoints receives the entity box from GetBox �function and then passes to Proc 2 box points (TopLeft and BottomRight) �if Full=False, or all 8 box vertices if Full=True. Entities can override this method to implement more effective algorithm; for example, �TsgDXFLine.GetBoxPoints ignores the Full parameter and always passes to �Proc only two own points.GetBoxPoints returns True if all points passed to Proc are REAL entity �points, such as for LINE, POINT and some other entities. By default, GetBoxPoints returns False; for example, the box of INSERT entity is the common box of its block.There is no need to call this function directly; TsgCADImage.Draw calls it automatically for each entity.


function GetBoxPoints(Proc: TFPointProc; Full: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;